Visual Color Matching Cabinets

The color appears different under different lighting conditions such as artificial light and natural lights. The manufacturer of garments has the primary issue to check the color consistency


The color appears different under different lighting conditions such as artificial light and natural lights. The manufacturer of garments has the primary issue to check the color consistency of fabric so its original color appears same under different lights. Presto offers the best, reliable and high quality of visual color matching cabinets to solve the issue of color consistency. This is the best-used machine for garment manufacturer and exporters, yarn, and fabric dyeing industries.

The visual color matching cabinet performs a visual assessment of color under standard lights such as TFL light, CWF light, Ultra Violet black light, D65, etc. The multiple light sources are equipped with a wide viewing area that allows to locate the Metamerism issue (sample appears to match under one light but appear different under another light). The sample material has to go through several lights to get the final approval.

By testing under different types of light sources enable to judge the accurate color difference. When the match of samples does not change under all lights, it means the color quality of the sample is as per the requirement. The machine is significantly used by the paint and plating, plastic and textile industries because the color quality is crucial for such sectors. The color change analysis is performed with the contribution of grey scale. Presto offers Asia Model, Euro Model and USA Model suitable for color tests.



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