Torque Tester - Analogue

Torque Tester - Analogue is a consistent tool to measure the force or torque required to open a closed cap of PET bottle/Jars. It gives Torque in analog format. The analogue display is a high-end sophisticated read out with pointer adjusting knob.

Model      PTT-0103


Torque Tester – Analogue is a consistent tool to measure the force or torque required to open a closed cap of PET bottle/Jars. It gives Torque in analog format. The analogue display is a high-end sophisticated read out with pointer adjusting knob. The test sample is placed in between the anti-slip holders/pegs for the strong holding of the test sample.

The instrument is used for testing the opening force of the PET bottles when subject to a load under twisting. The equipment is handy and can be carried on the shop floor as well as be placed inside the laboratory. The unique self -adjusting holding fixture can easily accommodate any shape and size of the bottle with zero slip guaranteed.

For PET bottles, it is important that they provide the best level of safety to the products that are inside them. Best safety of the products is only possible when the caps of the bottles are tightly closed. If the caps of the bottles are not closed tightly or properly, it can prove to be a big problem for the users of the PET bottles. It is essential to test the integrity of the bottle caps for best safety of the products. Presto’s torque tester-Analogue is used for testing the strength needed to open or tighten the caps properly.

The torque tester-Analogue is a widely used and highly precise testing instrument for PET and bottling industries. This instrument gives accurate testing data about the amount of force that is required to loosen the caps of the PET bottles. The instrument is also provided with an adjustable mechanism for adjustment of bottles and jars which allows testing of bottles and jars of different diameters.


    • Max. Torque Range: 20 lb-inch
    • Accuracy: ± 0.5 % full Scale(with master load)
    • Least Count/Resolution: 1 lb-inch
    • Power: Battery operated
    • Minimum Diameter for specimen holding: 30 mm
    • Maximum Diameter for specimen holding: 110 mm
    • Max.size of test bottles to be tested: 2.5 liters
    • Weights for Calibration: 10 lbs, 20 lbs



    • Strong clamping pegs/holders for zero slip gripping support
    • In-house calibration facility
    • Compact and light-weight, easy to move.
    • Adjustable clamping mechanism to hold different size of bottles
    • Highly accurate torque sensor
    • Safety lock pin to avoid eliminate extra torque application on the sample


The analogue model of Presto's Torque Tester is one of the best instruments for me to test the closing and opening strength of the bottle caps. The instrument gives exact analysis of the force required to close the bottle caps tightly for better safety.

- Nadeem Khan


Most Light weighted portable Testing machine. I am very impressed that now i can test the torque of my machine anywhere anytime.

- Shashank Khanna


Highly portable and light weighted. Safety locks also given for ensuring no extra force is applied. Good product.

- Rajesh Bhatia



How it Works


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