The Farbung TP110 is a highly used and preferred color measurement instruments in many industries. There are several new features that are added to the product by the highly competent team of engineers and scientists of Testronix. Precision Color Matching TP110 is a consistent tool useful for portable and high-quality color measurement. It works with a color sensor with multiple channels according to international standards.
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Precison color measurement instruments is best to test the exact color of automotive coating. Superb Product.
- Kusha Rehman
I’d never thought that a portable model could give as precise measurement as this device is giving. It’s master and sample comparison feature is mind blowing. As a colour manager, I desperately was looking for this feature, and I am very impressed.
- Akhil Mehra
Offers automated white and black calibration facility. Always helpful in capturing color and detecting consistency issue.
- Jitesh Agarwal
With the help of this testing instrument, I am easily able to test colour accuracy in a variety of light. I get accurate measurements!
- Kaushal Yadav