Why is Humidity Tester an Important Instrument in Lab Testing?

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Metal that has not been coated is prone to corrosion. And the most common reason of corrosion is humidity in the air. More the moisture content in the air, the more protection is required for metal. This is why there arises a need to create an instrument, called humidity tester or humidity chamber. Humidity Chamber  could easily simulate the weathering conditions and adjudge the response of metal to that conditions. 

How humidity chamber works?

Humidity chamber can create environmental conditions with controlled temperature and humidity. The chambers are equipped with heaters and fans. As soon as heater raises the temperature, the fans distribute the heat uniformly throughout the chamber. Uniform heat distribution is very important so as to avoid any discrepancy in the result.

For generating a humid air, there is a placement of automizer. This automizer can be easily related to spray nozzle to control the water spray. Due to high temperature in the chamber, the sprayed water tends to moist the air. Humidity from 65% to 98% can be easily achieved. As the temperature of heater decreases, the percentage of humidity also decreases. One important point to consider, humidity cannot be controlled but can be checked with a tester.


What are major industries that need a humidity chamber?

Any product whose raw material gets affected by humidity needs this testing instrument. To name a few;

  1. Automotive – It is considered as the biggest user of this testing chamber. Automotive parts are made up almost every type of raw material which includes, metal, plastic, paint, rubber, polymers. Although, assemblers do not require it. Manufacturers of the body parts and spares cannot work efficiently without it.
  2. Paints and coating – This industry vertical need to perform various tests on the raw materials. As we know that paints and coatings usually work as protective layers for different products. So, if the protective layer does not have the ability to withstand the severe humid environments, how would it protect the surface beneath?
  3. Rubber – It shows a volatile behaviour in different So, to make the rubber withstand the harsh working conditions, environment and storage conditions, etc. it becomes imperative to conduct a humidity test on the raw form of rubber.
  4. Paper – It tend to lose its properties if exposed to moisture. So, to check the suitability of the paper for the application and environment; humidity chamber plays a crucial role.
  5. Packaging – This industry utilises different forms of packaging materials like paper, corrugated sheets, boxes, wooden boxes, polymers. How these materials will respond to different transportation conditions makes it necessary to install a humidity testing lab. Especially in overseas transportation, it is crucial to judge how the consignment packaging would respond to the humid

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