The dead weight testers are used to calibrate pressure. However, enhancements in technology have led to the development of digital pressure standards that can be regarded as the standard for Dead Weight Testers.
Benefits of Dead Weight Testers
- Used as Pressure Gauges- These equipment are systems that physically create pressure. They can be used as gauges to measure system pressure in an accurate manner. The device needs no display as the mixture of masses can be used to determine the final pressure. They are based on a simple formula that is pressure equals to force exerted over a known area. You can get Industrial dead weights with accuracies to ±0.0015% of reading.
- Accurate Results - Digital pressure standards are conjoined with a pressure source to create a known pressure, the digital standards are technically gauges. The digital devices are available in accuracies as a function like ±0.050% of full scale. Various advancements in technology have led to some instruments that are specified as a function of the reading, such as Dead Weight Testers. Accuracies are available as low as ±0.025% of reading.
- Calibration - The pressure gauges must be calibrated on a regular basis. A dead weight tester (DWT) is an instrument that can produce and evaluate pressure commonly used for calibrating pressure gauge. The construction of a DWT is based on an oil filled chamber fitted with a cylinder-piston combination above it.
- Simple Design - It features a plunger with a handle and a weighting platform or pans attached to the top of the piston that is used to exert varying degrees of pressure to the oil on the chamber. It contains a reservoir that accumulates displaced oil by adjusting piston and a port where the pressure gauge is joined at the time of calibration tests.
Basic Principle
The pressure is defined as the quotient of force and area. The parts are accurately manufactured piston-cylinder system on which a mass load is exerted in order to create the individual test points. The mass load is proportional to the target pressure and it can be achieved by graduated masses. According to standard, these masses are manufactured to the standard gravity of 9.80665 m/s2, though they can be adjusted to a particular location.
- Provision of standard tool kit including Allen Key, Screw Driver, Spirit Level, Spanners
- Set of spare seals
- Priming pump is capable of developing 5% to 10% of the range of the instrument
- Tin of Oil (1/2L)
- The piston is made from HCHCr and Tungsten Carbide
- The base of the equipment is MS painted
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