Know the Correct Electro coat thickness For Your Material

Know the Correct Electro coat thickness For Your Material
Electro-coating is a very important procedure in coating industry and faulty Electrocoat layer thickness can generate major issues for coating operators. If the coating layer of products is not as per the customer requirement and standards it can produce major deflection in its validity and appearance quality. Properties like the texture, its adhesion quality and corrosive resistance all are responsible behind the high-quality yield in the coating industry. It is the coating layer which protects the product surface from outer harsh environmental conditions. Therefore, testing the coating thickness hold primary importance. And this procedure can be conducted using coating thickness gauges. Its role in coating industry is very valuable.
Earlier the coating operators and engineers were used to apply destructive methods of testing the thickness value of coating layer in which they used to cut off a sample’s coated layer and use mechanical procedures to measure the thickness. But such test is not accurate moreover they are subject to a lot of material loss. Hence, due to the market demands, a non-destructive manner is introduced in the market to evaluate the coating thickness.
We bring you our three renowned modes of coating thickness gauges:
Coating Thickness Gauge Ferrous – It is based on the principle of eddy current and is equipped with highly accurate probes which come along with a set of 5 calibration foils and zero disks. It is suitable for single time use or multiple time use. The thickness measurement ranges from 0 to 1250 mm. It delivers an accuracy of ±2.5 mm
Coating Thickness Gauge non-Ferrous – Its working is also based on the eddy current principle and it also offers highly precise measuring probes with a combination of 5 calibration foils and zero disks.
The gauges are designed by a highly expert team of engineers and technicians. They are tested for long life expectancy and durability. Deliver the best market brand by assuring ensuring high-quality production with Presto Coating Thickness Gauge.

If the manufactures take care and invest in making the protective layer such as coating layer strong and durable for a long time it can save him a lot of loss and get him zero rejection from customers. 


To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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