Improve Coating Processes with NSS Testing

Improve Coating Processes with NSS Testing

Component coating processes hold a major value in its quality and resistance strength towards external harsh conditions. A good quality coated material can withstand corrosion, thigh temperature, moisture, humidity and several other factors for a long time. This duration till which it exhibited fine performance protecting the material counts as its validity period. And like every manufacturer of coatings and paints, you also want to improve its validity time. In this blog post, you will be learning about the NSS testing using Salt Spray Tester and how it can help you to improve the quality of paint or coatings.

NSS Testing Method
NSS or Neutral salt spray test is a quality assurance test conducted on coated, painted, electroplated, or galvanized material. It is conducted using a standardized salt spray testing machine in which salt water (5% NaCl) solution is atomized by means of spray nozzle using pressurized air. This produces a corrosive environment of dense salt water fog in the chamber, so that test samples exposed to this environment are subjected to severely corrosive conditions.
It is used to maintain or improve the coating processes such as pre-treatment and painting, electroplating, and galvanizing. For an instance, pre-treated + painted components must pass a 96 hours NSS test, to be accepted for production. If that material fail to meet this requirement, it means there is a flaw in the pre-treatment process, or the paint quality is poor which must be addressed immediately, so that the upcoming batches can be produced with desired quality.

Testing Apparatus
The NSS test is a standardized corrosion test and it requires proficient and precisely designed testing chamber for accurate results. Salt Spray Chamber – Korrox 3 Model is the leading equipment for conducting coating quality assurance. It is the latest HMI touchscreen Model with high-end technological features which makes the test easier to conduct and extract results.

With the HMI display one can easily set testing parameters as per testing requirement and run the machine unattended. It also allows repeatable testing with live test data on screen. The test results can be taken out with USB option. The body is constructed with double walled glass wool insulation to ensure that zero heat loss is occurring. This make the test accurate and best for any form of testing standard. It complies with ASTM B 117 and JIS Z 2371 international testing standards.


To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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