
How tensile strength test is performed?



The tensile strength test is considered to be one of the major quality tests that are used to test the maximum stress a material can withstand. This quality test is usually performed in the plastic industry to test the tensile stress of the material. With Presto tensile strength tester, you will be able to test the tensile strength of materials with ease. This testing instrument will be able to test the strength of materials until it breaks. The digital model of this lab testing instrument comes with advanced load sensor sensing through advanced electronics. It comes with a highly sensitive load sensor that makes it easy for the manufacturers to conduct the test. Here in this blog, we are going to provide you the information about tensile strength tester and how you can easily perform tensile strength tests on plastics. So, let us get started!


What is a tensile strength tester and for what purpose it will be used?

Tensile stress testing is considered to be one of the highly efficient methods to test the elongation properties of the materials. Materials like plastic products are needed to be tested for their load-bearing strength so that they should withstand the tensile load. Thus, we at Presto will provide you with this high-quality lab testing instrument known as a tensile strength tester that is used to analyze the mechanical properties of the materials with ease. This testing instrument is used in laboratories for the purpose of testing the elongation properties of the materials.
Most plastic product manufacturers make use of this lab testing instrument to make sure that their products will be durable enough to withstand the tensile load. When the materials will be subjected to a tensile strength test then their elongation properties will easily be determined. You can even read more information about what will happen when the materials will be subjected to a tensile test.
Below we have listed the features and technical specifications of this lab testing equipment.

Features of Presto tensile strength tester

The tensile testing machine plays a crucial role in determining the load-bearing capacity as well as mechanical properties of the materials with ease. This test will be conducted in different industrial laboratories to understand the load capacity of the materials. To conduct a tensile strength test you need to place the specimen accurately on this laboratory testing instrument. We have also listed the top 3 secrets of successfully conducting a tensile strength test.
  • Advanced load sensor sensing through advanced electronics.
  • Highly sensitive load sensor with linearity feature and repeatability
  • Crosshead travel length: 750mm grip to grip
  • Single column rugged structure
  • Safety limit switches for over-travel safety
  • Hardened lead screws for frictionless movement
  • Load cell calibrated by NPL-approved proving ring/dynamometers
  • High accurate micro-controller-based system controls
  • Peak Hold facility available
  • Bright LED display
  • Immediate analysis of results after test with complete accuracy & precision
  • Feather touch controls

Technical specifications of tensile strength tester

  • Motor: ¼ HP Single Phase 220 / 110 V AC Supply
  • Speed: 100 mm/min and 200 mm/min (Changeable through Belt & Pulley mechanism)
  • Display: Digital (LED)
  • Accuracy: ± 2% at Full Load (with master load)
  • Grip to Grip separation: Min 25mm and Max. 700mm
With these features and technical specifications, it will be easy for you to conduct a tensile strength test. Whenever you conduct this test, then you should avoid some mistakes so that you will get highly accurate testing results. We have listed the top 3 mistakes to avoid while conducting a tensile strength test.
Now, let us discuss the steps you can take to conduct a tensile test with ease.

Steps to successfully conduct a tensile strength test

Whenever you conduct a tensile strength test, then you need to take care of certain parameters. From preparing the specimen accurately to placing it on a tensile testing machine, you need to take care of certain factors to get accurate testing results.
Below we have listed some of the crucial points that you must remember to successfully conduct a tensile strength test.
  • Whenever you are going to conduct a tensile strength test on the materials, then you can start the machine by plugging it into a 5 amp switch.
  • After starting the machine accurately, you need to place the specimen accurately and set the peak load indicator.
  • When you turn on the rotatory switch in the down direction, then the lower grip will be moved in the lower direction and it will increase the value shown in the load indicator.
  • You can even turn off the rotatory switch when the specimen will get ruptured.
  • Once you follow the above step, then the machine will stop and the display will be shown on the load and return to zero. The elongation display will get frozen and you will get the memory switch on the load indicator to show the peak value.
  • You can even assess the peak value of the specimen to accurately test the results.
In this way, you can easily conduct the test using Presto tensile strength tester. You can even read about the use of tensile strength testers in various industries. To conduct a free sample testing session for this lab testing equipment, you can even give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com. Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding all your queries.


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