Testing lab industry is the main base for our every innovation. Like pharmaceutical and medical industry. The research lab at pharma industries is the backbone of the industry as their innovation come to the doors of the research lab only. Therefore, it of very important that the labs are equipped with topmost instruments which are designed as per international standards and trusted by around the world.
Hot air oven is one such instrument. Let us read more how this machine valuable to the testing labs.
The testing labs require pure material and chemicals or substance to generate something. They can’t afford to mix any contaminant in the sample. As their, every step is very important because they deal with the human life directly. The scientist is the most responsible profile among all they produce things useful to human health and so they must using the best machinery. One of the best methods of sterilization for objects or even dishes and tubes used in the making of drugs is the heating sterilization. In this method dry heat is applied to the substance so that it can be sterilized properly, the scientist believes that 80% of the pathogenic microorganisms are skilled with this method.
Hot Air Oven is the unique chamber which is used to deliver the dry heat sterilization in testing labs of pharma industry or in any medical industry. The latest model we offer has an HMI based touchscreen to set the testing parameters just with a touch. The testing data can be extracted too.
To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com.
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