Use of PET products PET products are used in almost all production verticals to fulfil the requirement of packaging and refilling of products. Different types of PET containers are used to maintain the freshness, safety and quality of the products. Most of the products that are packed in the PET bottles include beverages, food items, pharmaceutical products, etc.
BOD incubators are popularly used in different industries to create an isolated chamber having temperature 20°C. Some industries need to test the products at a certain temperature where biochemical oxygen demand can be fulfilled.
In automotive industry, measuring the thickness of the surface is a very crucial task. Due to complicated groove structure at some points, the measurement not only becomes difficult but sometimes impossible with conventional methods.
Thickness gauges are of utmost importance in automotive industry, where verinier callipers cannot be utilised efficiently.
PET bottles have always remained the preferred way of packing and storing different materials.
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