Accurate Plastic Analysis: The Presto Melt Flow Index Tester NXG

Presto Melt Flow Index Tester
  • Gaurav Malhotra
  • 23-07-2024

Is your product’s performance affected by poor plastic quality?


The irregular granule density of a product’s preform may result in huge losses for the manufacturers if not identified in time. Since polymer granules are the building blocks of most plastic-based products, from food and beverages to pharmaceutical storage, good-quality polymer granules have become crucial. To solve this issue and save manufacturers and consumers from dissatisfied quality, the Presto group’s plastic melt flow index tester is the ideal instrument. With four decades of expertise, the testing instrument promises not only high-quality results but also efficient and accurate ones. 


Working mechanism
The behavior of the plastic materials is analyzed through testing by evaluating the flow rate of melted polymer granules under certain circumstances. A detailed explanation of the model’s working is as follows-


  1. Preparing the sample
    The procedure begins with the operator inserting polymer granules within the instrument's barrel heater. This barrel is intended to keep the granules in a controlled environment while they undergo testing.

  2. Air tightening
    Before using the weight assembly, make sure there are no air spaces between the granules and the assembly. Air gaps can cause erroneous readings and skew test findings. The operator uses a press tool developed expressly to eliminate any air holes, ensuring that the granules are securely packed and ready for testing.

  1. Weight adjustment
    The operator then changes the weight of the pressure assembly following the specimen's unique qualities. Different materials may need varying pressures to adequately determine their melt flow index. Once the necessary weight has been determined, the pressure assembly is put on top of the barrel's grains.

  2. Application of heat
    The barrel heaters raise the temperature within the barrel to a predetermined level, forcing the polymer granules to melt. Precise temperature control is critical because it guarantees that the granules melt uniformly, yielding reliable test results with the melt index tester.

  3. Application of pressure
    When the granules melt, the pressure assembly drives the molten material through a die at the bottom of the barrel. This die is a tiny, precise aperture that molds the molten granules into a stick-like form as they are extruded.

  4. Uniform sample pieces
    An automated rotating cutter situated directly after the die divides the extruded polymer grains into uniform pieces. These bits then fall onto a circular stainless steel plate located beneath the die. The spinning cutter guarantees that the samples are consistently sized, which is required for proper measurement.

  5. Melt flow index measurement.
    The operator takes cut samples at regular intervals, usually every 10 minutes. The weight of the samples is measured to calculate the melt flow index, which is represented in grams per 10 minutes. This value represents the flow rate of polymer granules under the test conditions.



There are certain key features of the Melt Flow Index tester making it a class apart from other testing instruments-


  1. Microprocessor Display
    The addition of a microprocessor-based display greatly improves the user experience. This display delivers precise and real-time findings, allowing operators to easily analyze data. The display's intuitive interface facilitates navigation and setting modifications, making the testing procedure simple and user-friendly.

  2. Types of weights assembled
    The adaptable weight assembly can hold weights ranging from 1.2 kg to 21 kg, enabling for the testing of different grades of polymer granules. This adaptability is critical for producers who must test various materials in diverse situations.

  3. Rotating Cutter
    The advanced rotating cutter is an important part of the melt flow index tester. It guarantees that the extruded polymer granules are chopped accurately and uniformly. This exact cutting is critical for accurately measuring the melt flow index since it allows for consistent sample and weighing.

  4. Heating mechanism
    The melt flow index tester is outfitted with Solid state relay-based heaters capable of raising the temperature within the barrel to 400°C. These high-quality heaters guarantee that the polymer granules melt rapidly and uniformly, allowing quick and efficient testing. 

  1. Cleaning system
    The instrument must be kept clean to conduct reliable tests. The melt flow index tester contains a barrel cleaner and a die aligner for easy and complete cleaning after each test. The barrel cleaner, which is often immersed in a cleaning chemical like xylene, ensures that any remaining polymer particles are fully removed from the barrel.

  2. Preset time
    This adaptability guarantees that the instrument may be modified to fit various testing requirements and situations, giving exact control over the testing process. The timer may be set to 999 hours, minutes, and seconds, allowing for a broad range of testing periods while maintaining regular sample collection intervals.

  3. Stainless steel plate
    For starters, it serves as a mirror to inspect the cleanliness of the die, ensuring that no leftover polymer impacts the test findings. Second, it functions as a collection plate for sliced polymer samples.

The melt flow index tester provides multiple benefits to producers across various industries:

  1. Quality Control: By properly measuring the melt flow index, producers can ensure the manufacturing of high-quality plastic items.

  2. Cost Efficiency: Reduces the possibility of manufacturing losses due to defective polymer granules.

  3. Ease of Use: The innovative features of the instrument, such as the spinning cutter and excellent cleaning system, make it easy to use and efficient.

  4. Versatility: Capable of evaluating a wide range of polymer granules used in a variety of industries.

  5. Time-saving: The high-quality heaters and automated features allow for quick testing, saving significant time throughout the manufacturing process.


1. What are some key features of the Melt Flow Index?


A: Automatic sample cutting promotes consistent sample preparation. The HMI also has temperature and timing settings, which ensure test accuracy and reproducibility. The die steel barrel provides homogeneous and constant heating. The output is shown as a temperature vs. time graph, and test settings may be selected using a program profile. Features such as product identification, test temperature, and time logging make data administration easier, and there is a USB option for saving test data. 

2. What maintenance is required?


A: To eliminate the remaining polymer grains from the barrel and die, the melt flow index tester must be cleaned regularly with the included barrel cleaner and die aligner. Check that the heaters are clear of debris and operating properly. To achieve peak performance, the automated cutter and HMI-based controls should be calibrated and inspected regularly. 



To know the Melt Flow Index Tester Price get a quotation now. You may reach out to us at +919210903903 or email us at


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